Springfield, PA Asbestos Removal Services

Springfield, PA Asbestos Removal Company

Springfield, or Springfield Township, is located in Delaware County, Pennsylvnia. The population is estimated at around 24,200 residents as of the 2010 census. Springfield is a suburb of Philadelphia, which is about 10 miles west of the city. The area was first settled by Quakers who arrived in Pennsylvania with William Penn. It became recognized as a government entity in 1686. You want to have a company you trust to help keep your Springfield home from asbestos. We are licensed professionals who use proper safety gear, proper equipment and protect the client during removal or encapsulation processes as mandated. We are experienced with handling claims with insurance companies as well, when applicable.

Springfield, PA Asbestos Removal Company

Springfield, PA Asbestos Inspection

Despite being regulated, asbestos still frequently exists in homes built prior to the 1980s. Asbestos consists of tiny, easily dislodged fibers. Inhaling asbestos has been linked to serious health issues, such as lung, larynx, and ovarian cancers, asbestosis, and mesothelioma. These asbestos fibers can endure in the lungs, leading to gradual damage over time. The effects of asbestos exposure may not become evident for years, making early detection a formidable task. If you live in an older Springfield residence, it is essential to have an inspection to ensure it is free from asbestos.



Springfield, PA Asbestos Inspection
Demolition & Gutting Contractor in Springfield

Demolition & Gutting Contractor in Springfield

EJS Environmental Demolition and Gutting Services is a reputable company that excels in delivering comprehensive solutions for environmental demolition and gutting. With a history of exceptional performance, EJS offers a wide range of customized services to meet the specific requirements of clients in various industries. Our skilled team is deeply committed to executing demolition projects with a strong emphasis on safety and efficiency, while rigorously adhering to all environmental regulations. Whether the project involves interior gutting, structural demolition, or the safe removal of hazardous materials, EJS Environmental Demolition and Gutting is a trusted partner known for consistently achieving high-quality results within budget constraints and on time.