Downingtown, PA Asbestos Removal Services
Downingtown, PA Asbestos Removal Company
Asbestos is an insulant mineral that has been used throughout history in the construction of homes. The classification of asbestos as a carcinogen didn’t occur until the late 1970s, which puts older homes at risk for asbestos exposure. Asbestos exposure can result in a myriad of adverse health effects. These effects often aren’t noticed until years after exposure begins. When asbestos is detected in your home, it is essential to seek out professionals who have the proper equipment and experience to safely remove it.
At EJS Environmental, we offer asbestos abatement services in Downingtown, PA. Our contractors are all licensed and qualified to remove asbestos safely and efficiently. If you require assistance with asbestos removal, contact EJS Environmental right away.
Harmful Effects of Asbestos Exposure
Asbestos can release tiny fibers into the air that are invisible to the naked eye. Once these fibers are inhaled, they can damage the lungs. Long-term exposure can lead to cancer, mesothelioma, and other critical diseases.
Asbestos Removal Contractors in Downingtown, PA
We ensure our asbestos removal contractors have full federal licensing to guarantee professional service. EJS Environmental is committed to providing safe asbestos removals that don’t leave your health up to chance.
Downingtown, PA Asbestos Removal Services
We follow strict safety protocol when handling asbestos in Downingtown, PA. We fully prepare the surrounding area, applying plastic sealing to surfaces and blocking any vents. Asbestos is wetted to prevent fibers from becoming airborne during the process.
Asbestos Abatement Services in Downingtown
With years of experience, our asbestos removal contractors in Downingtown, PA, are able to thoroughly inspect your property for asbestos. We provide our asbestos abatement services for both residential homes and commercial spaces. During our extraction, we clear the area and specifically contain the asbestos to protect the rest of your indoor space.
If you detect asbestos on your property, don’t wait to contact a professional. Asbestos can be deadly and it’s important to remove it as soon as possible. Call EJS Environmental today for reliable asbestos abatement services in Downingtown, PA.